Why EA is Writing About Finance

By Stan Szymanski

It is a simple matter really.

The disabled and the special needs folks deserve better.

The caregivers who have, for the most part, chosen to give up a life they could have had in return for little sleep, the loss of relationship with some or all family, an intamacy with suffering that few will know and a duty that never ends. The caregivers deserve to have confidence in their ability to provide for those in their charge; especially given their level of their commitment.

And yet, that confidence is at this point is misplaced. That is because the information provided for input into this determination comes from the fountain of fabrication- the mainstream media (MSM).

The caregivers (and everyone else’s) faith is misplaced because, simply put, the MSM are storytellers. And they are made to be hailers of hogwash because the economic and financial information they obtain is concocted from the original slop slingers-the financial industry, the financial regulators, the central bank and of course, the gubbamint.

___________________________Please refer to our proviso at the end of the article regarding any reproduction of this writing and consider a donation to Encouraging Angels today.—————————————-The disabled, the special needs, their caregivers and everyone else is being told that everything is fine. The job market is great, The economy is great. The financial system is safe. The BLS reports that the 2022 CPI (inflation) was up 6.5%. Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics had a slightly different take when he reports that the real inflation number for the United States in 2022 was 32%; not 6.5%.

So here at Encouraging Angels we are doing what we can to help set the record straight and do our best to discern the truth because the stakes are so high. If in fact the underpinnings of the banking system and the financial system are standing on termite riddled timbers instead of the strength that Joe Biden is claiming then the caregivers will be robbed of their assets through inflation and potential market collapse. This trauma will destroy the resources they use to carry out their duties in caring for those who cannot care for themselves.

This is why I (Stan Szymanski) write about many things finance here on the EA Blog (in addition to disability, faith and more). The caregivers who come here may not read the truth anywhere else. We do not give any kind of advise whether it be financial, medical, legal, personal or otherwise. Please consult a professional in the area of your need or interest. We do not sell -any- type of financial product and therefore have to monetary ax to grind.

The need for caregivers to appropriate: food, water (and ability to filter and collect it), shelter, energy and protection (just being away from a population center is a great start) for those in their care has never been greater.

I remember and will never forget the  adversity, fatigue and tribulation of being a full time caregiver for 8 1/2 years. When caregiving is a familiar place it may be some of the most heart wrenching and severe memories, but they are also the easiest to ‘encourage’ and inspire a writer.


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Stan Szymanski (or Encouraging Angels) is not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice. In all matters pertaining to the health and care of a human being consult a medical doctor. This is not legal, financial or personal advice. Consult appropriate professionals in those fields for that type of advice.