Why Is Encouraging Angels Writing About The Financial Markets?

Why is EA writing about the financial markets? Shouldn’t we just stick to disability, ministry, music and God?

I (Stan) am writing about the financial markets because of the affects it will have on all Americans, but primarily -disabled- Americans. Even if you are dirt poor (which a lot of disabled and their families are) you need to be aware of this information. The financial system -will- reset. It will not be to the favor of most Americans. It is easy to see that inflation is here and that we may very well be looking at hyperinflation where your money will be confiscated through seriously rising, even skyrocketing prices for goods and services.

These articles will emphasize that you should consider obtaining: food, water (and a way to purify), shelter, energy security and if you have the wherewithal-precious metals- to give you the resources you need to navigate a complete reset of the financial system (This is not financial advice-please consult your financial advisor).

If you fall in the ‘dirt poor’ category you can still probably put away a 25 pound bag of rice (approx. $12), a case of baked beans (at Aldi $6/12 cans), a lifestraw or Sawyer mini filter (approx $20 on Amazon/sporting goods store), arrange to stay with a country cousin when the cities become untenable, have a battery bank for your phone and a small solar panel to charge it when there is no electricity and look into a dog, a security camera and more when it comes to security. Get to know a local coin dealer (who may just become a replacement for a bank when the financial system becomes a problem -if you have silver or gold. For instance the old pre-1965 silver (minted 1964 and before-called ‘junk silver’) are good to have. A ‘junk silver’ dime will cost you right now approximately $2.00. When the dollar becomes worth less than it is right now that same dime may buy you groceries when the dollar in your pocket might not be worth the paper it’s printed on.

This is just the beginning of what I hope to share in the near future. I hope that the caregivers of the disabled are paying attention because if you think that it is tough to take care of the disabled now just wait for the financial reset to hit. The world will be different. Please plan accordingly.

There is a saying you hear that ‘God Helps Those Who Help Themselves’; That saying is found nowhere in the Bible. However, we do have the incredible examples in the Bible of people like Noah, Joseph and the boy with the fishes and the loaves who should be our examples of preparedness. Emulate them. Meditate on what they did and how they were obedient to God. Consider doing the same. Trust God through His son, Jesus Christ. Read your Bible. If you are new to the Bible, start with the gospel of John and move on to the stories mentioned above. God will be faithful to you if you trust Him with your whole heart. Get to know Him today.


Stan Szymanski (or Encouraging Angels) is not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice. In all matters pertaining to the health and care of a human being consult a medical doctor. This is not legal, financial or personal advice. Consult appropriate professionals in those fields for that type of advice.